Prison School was a strange anime, and there's no way around that. With a premise like the one it has, five boys being trapped in an underground school prison with a trio of sadistic female student council members, how could it not be? It's one of those anime you just have to shut your brain off for.

If you can manage to do that, it's an extremely funny show, even if it's one that's heavy on the fan service. It's certainly not for everyone, but those who enjoyed it would certainly love a season two that the anime set up for (and manga went into detail about). Unfortunately, one is never coming.

With how sweet and caring she is through the length of the anime, you'd never think this would be the case in the manga's finale, but it is. Not only does she become the new student council president, but she's grown to have the same hatred of men that her sister, Mari has. How did she get to that point? Well, it's simple, all of Kiyoshi's transactions get revealed to her by Hana, showing that he's not the man that she thought he was. It completely breaks her and her code that anyone that likes sumo can't be bad.

9 The Chairman Was The First Prisoner Of The School

This should be a shock to no one, considering how perverted the Chairmen was through the whole anime, but he was the first prisoner of the school. Strangely enough, this gets revealed through an inner monologue while he sets in a real prison for the danger he put his students in during a helicopter crash. You can only imagine the things he did to get himself put there, the list being so long that there wouldn't be any way to narrow it down.

8 Andre's Name Is A Pun On Masochism

While all of the boys were more than a little weird during their stay in the Prison School, none were as masochistic as Andre was. He reveled in it in ways that none of the others did, even becoming completely despondent when Meiko began to ignore him.

These tendencies got even worse later in the series when he practically became more animal than man. It's why the fact that Dorei, meaning slave in Japanese, was so fitting for him.

7 Jo Has A Cameo In My First Girlfriend Is A Gal

Of all the characters to appear in a different series, Jo would have been the lowest on the list. His look is certainly unique, but even that comes in second place in comparison to Andre. His character is also one of the least touched on in the whole series, yet, he was the one who made it into the pages of My First Girlfriend Is A Gal. It wasn't a big part by any means, the character just standing in the background of a scene, however, it still shows how popular the series was in Japan.

Given what a massive nerd Gakuto is throughout the whole anime it's hard to see this happening, especially when you consider some of the things he had to do to ensure the boys escape from prison. You'd think there was no coming back from that, the Three Kingdoms enthusiast doomed to be a pariah. You would be wrong, not only does Gakuto gain popularity, he actually has two women fight over the chance to be his girlfriend in the later stages of the manga.

5 Kiyoshi Serves The Longest Sentence Of The Four Boys

He practically lives in the prison with how frequently he gets sent there. The first time was detailed in the anime, but the second time is when he was caught breaking into the above-ground student council's office to collect evidence for Chiyo.

It's pretty funny when you consider that he's the purest of the five boys when it comes to his perversions, yet, he's the one that seems to end up getting punished more than any of them.

4 Meaning Behind Kiyoshi's Name

Unlike most characters who have a singular meaning to their name, Kiyoshi's is broken down into two different parts, all of which fit him in different ways. Kiyoshi is broken down to Kiyo (pure or clean) and Shi (will or purpose), both meanings being perfect for how the character acts. He has the strongest will of any of the other boys, having to do things that no boy should have to, only Gakuto coming close to him. He's also the purest, never reveling in the punishment as the others have.

3 Hana's The Only Antagonist To Achieve Her Goals

For a character that was fairly minor in comparison to Meiko and Mari at the start, she ends up being the final antagonist in the whole series, and the only one that manages to be successful. Her end goal was a little more personal and sadistic in comparison to the others as well. More or less, she wanted to not only break up Kiyoshi and Chiyo but also ruin the boy's life in the process. She managed to do that and more, turning Chiyo off of boys completely.

2 Meiko Used To Be Bullied

It's hard to believe when you consider how strong-willed and powerful she is throughout the show, yet, it happened at the hands of Kate when she was younger. Back then she was timid and shy, unwilling to come out of her shell, a fact Kate attacked mercilessly. Mari was the one that managed to shape Meiko into the woman she was in the anime, explaining the unnatural obsession the woman had with her superior. She practically owed her life to Mari.

1 Mari Has Different Eye Shapes

It isn't something you notice right away as it's more subtle than most things in the series. Mari's eyes aren't the same size, her left being slightly larger than the right. It's part of what drew Kate's ire, a source of her teasing when they were younger. It's a smart flaw for the show to add as Mari is the most stereotypically attractive person among the three women in the former below ground student council. It gives her a reason to be unsure of herself.

NEXT: 10 Manga That Never Got An Anime (But Should Have)